
Rebates +

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A Purchasing Audit Can Save You Thousands of Dollars

A purchasing audit provides managers insight into the processes used to order products, highlights what products are purchased, displays the selection criteria used for each product and vendor, and outlines the procedures followed at each step. In the fast-moving hospitality industry where most produce consumed is externally sourced, such audits allow for a review of vendors, products, costs, quality and wastage.

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The Difference between Cost vs Price

A smart manager understands that cost of a product is not the same as the price the company will eventually pay for it. This is about understanding the fine line between quality and value offered vs. the money paid for it. At Source1 Purchasing we understand this, therefore we offer more value to our customers for their money.

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4 Tips for Lowering Food Purchasing Costs

In the catering industry, you know there are many different expenses that can quickly cut into your budget. While there are some corners you should never cut, there are a few tips we can offer that should help lower your food-purchasing costs and add some breathing room to your budget. Continue reading today’s post to […]

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